Frequency and amplitudes of these signals are selectable.
Also you can modify c file with small changes as desired.
f1,f2,f3 => Frequencies
A1,A2,A3 => Amplitudes
I wrote generated sine wave a .txt file :)
* The code compiled and tested in Dev-C++ 5.11 TDM-GCC.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <complex.h>
float pinum;
typedef double complex comp;
int main(void)
FILE *sin_tab_r;
sin_tab_r = fopen("sin_tab_r.txt","w+") ;
FILE *sin_tab_i;
sin_tab_i = fopen("sin_tab_i.txt","w+") ;
pinum = atan2(1.0,1.0) * 4 ; // pi : about 3.14
int Fs = 100000000; // Sampling Rate(Hz)
int L; // Size of wave
double time_interval = (double)1/Fs; //Sampling Period.. i.e. 1ms
int len = 1024;
int f1 = 6250000;
int f2 = 12500000;
int f3 = 25000000; // sine frequencies
int A1 = 500;
int A2 = 700;
int A3 = 200; //sine amplitudes
comp sin_arr[len];
// discrete: sin(n) = 2*pi*f*n*ts
sin_arr[L] = ((A1 * sin(2.0 * pinum * f1 * L * time_interval )) + (A2 * sin(2.0 * pinum * f3 * L * time_interval )) + (A3 * sin(2.0 * pinum * f2 * L * time_interval )));
// withot comma
// with comma
// imag
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