Window size and message signal sizes must be same to proper windowing.
I use 1024 point length window. You can change it as you want :)
I generated hann coeff. using MATLAB.
The code compiled and tested in Dev-C++ 5.11 TDM-GCC.
Note: Green colored data => windowed
Pink colored data => input signal(sine)
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <complex.h>
#include <conio.h>
float pinum;
typedef double complex comp;
int main(void)
FILE *sin_tab_r;
sin_tab_r = fopen("sin_tab_r.txt","w+") ;
FILE *hann_window_data;
hann_window_data = fopen("hann_window_data","w+");
FILE *hann;
hann = fopen("hann_coef.txt","r+");
pinum = atan2(1.0,1.0) * 4 ;
int Fs = 100000000; // Sampling Rate(Hz)
int L;
double time_interval = (double)1/Fs; //Sampling Period.. i.e. 1ms
int f1 = 1000000;
int f2 = 3000000;
int f3 = 40000000; // sine frequencies
comp sin_arr[1024];
double hann_coef[1024];
double hann_win_double[1024];
int hann_win_int[1024];
fscanf(hann,"%lf",&hann_coef[L]); // Get hann function coefficients from file
sin_arr[L] = (500 * sin(2.0 * pinum * f1 * L * time_interval ) + 700 * sin(2.0 * pinum * f3 * L * time_interval ) + (200 * sin(2.0 * pinum * f2 * L * time_interval )));
hann_win_double[L] = (double)((double)round(creal(sin_arr[L] ))* hann_coef[L]);
hann_win_int[L] = (int)hann_win_double[L];
return 0;
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